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Cheesy Potatoes with Sweetcorn

For this recipe you'll need ...

500g Baby Potatoes

200g Cheddar Cheese

400g Sweetcorn

1 Chicken Stock Cube

500ml Hot Water


Measuring Jug


Medium Size Pot


Chopping Board

2 Plates


- Put potatoes in pot

- Boil water in kettle

- Put stock cube in measuring jug and pour 500ml hot water from kettle in, then mix it with fork until fully dissolved.

- Put the pot with potatoes on stove and pour the mixture from the measuring jug into the pot

-Turn the heat up on the pot to medium (remember not to leave the kitchen while the stove is on!) Check on the pot every few minutes. If water in the pot is boiling over, just turn the heat down a little. Potatoes should be ready in 20-25 minutes, after that time, prod them with the fork to check if they are soft.

-While the potatoes boil, on the chopping board, cut the 200g of cheese into medium size strips.

- When the potatoes are ready carefully turn the heat off on the stove and place them half and half into the two plates.

- Cover the potatoes in the cheese and then open the tin of sweetcorn and carefully put half and half on top of the cheesy potatoes.

Enjoy! :)

This recipe feeds 2 people, if you're cooking for 4, just double the ingredients!

Check us out on TikTok @gcucook for more interesting and fun recipes. Thanks for watching! :)

(If cooking under the age of 14, Parental Supervision is Advised!)

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